Articles by Danny Wool

Violent Weekend in San Jose

It was a violent weekend in San Jose, marred by three homicides. On Friday night, a 28-year-old woman was shot on Morris Court. On Saturday night, three people were shot in a parking lot outside an apartment complex on San Antonio Court. On Sunday morning, police shot and killed a 42-year-old man described as “armed and confrontational” in South San Jose.

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HP, Dell in Bidding War over 3Par

HP, Dell in Bidding War over 3Par

HP and Dell are involved in a bidding war over Fremont-based 3Par, the world’s “fourth fastest growing technology company,” which produces hardware disc arrays and storage management software. The company closed at $26.03 on Thursday, 50 percent higher than at the start of trading, as a result.

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Axis of Elegance

Axis of Elegance

Situated on North Almaden Boulevard a few blocks from the Guadalupe Expressway, The Axis’s angles and setbacks help define downtown San Jose’s ever-urbanizing skyline. The condos are all different from one another. There is a variety of floor plans and balcony spaces to choose from—they look out to different views, and each has its own feel.

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Police Crack Down on Telephoning Drivers

Police Crack Down on Telephoning Drivers

It’s the law. Drivers may not speak on the phone while driving unless they are using a hands-free device. Police are cracking down, and have already issued 1,600 tickets across the Bay Area for people who fail to comply. Of these, 600 have been issued in Santa Clara County during the latest crackdown … and yesterday was only Day Two.

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Facebook Is Following You

Facebook Is Following You

The half-billion people registered on Facebook are free to give up a little more privacy. The social networking site has launched a new service dubbed “Places.” With just a click on a button, you can let your Facebook friends know where you are around the clock via mobile phone.

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Questions Following Fire

Questions Following Fire

When the devastating fire broke out just before dawn at Trace Elementary school, a local official was immediately notified … by email. To put it simply, the fire broke out, and an email was sent to the official, who was still lying in bed, fast asleep. Presumably, the official would only have found out after he woke up, had his first cup of coffee, showered, and turned on his computer, or whatever his daily schedule might be.

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Oracle Takes on Google

Google has been getting a lot of flack lately, mostly because of the two-Internets plan it announced with Verizon last week, and its efforts to compete with Facebook. The latest challenge comes from Oracle, another Silicon Valley giant, which is suing Google for patent infringement.

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Berryessa: Past and Future

Berryessa: Past and Future

Twenty-five years ago, Berryessa might still have been considered the fruit basket of Santa Clara County—one of the last parts of the Valley to succumb to development. Even today there are a few agricultural holdouts nestled throughout the neighborhood. Of course, most of these plots have been transformed into suburban single-family homes. It’s a young, diverse neighborhood, with seven schools and its own school district. And now may be a good time to be shopping for a home in Berryessa.

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Municipal Rose Garden: The Best

Municipal Rose Garden: The Best

The San Jose Municipal Rose Garden was placed on probation just five years ago by All-America Rose Selections, a nationwide association of rose growers. Yesterday,  it was named “America’s Best Rose Garden.” It’s quite an achievement considering that parks and gardens have been pruned in the budget during these difficult economic times. The award citation praises the garden for its “beauty” and “creativity,” but no less for its “overall contribution to the community.”

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Governor Drops by to Talk Budget

Governor Drops by to Talk Budget

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger dropped by the San Jose-Silicon Valley Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday to get some ideas on how to handle the state’s budget crisis. Despite the economic crunch, San Jose and Silicon Valley are the most important sectors for growth in California’s ailing economy, with green tech creating ten times as many jobs as any other sector in the state over the past ten years.

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