Articles by Danny Wool

Moving Day for the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition

Moving Day for the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition

Saturday was moving day for the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition, and over a dozen volunteers came to help out with the move. They hauled the desks and cabinets—and lots of paperwork and office supplies too—3.5 miles to the United Way Building in San Jose, all by the power of their own two pedals.

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Chestnut Just Couldn’t Wing It

Chestnut Just Couldn’t Wing It

At the National Buffalo Wing Festival held in, of all places, Buffalo, Chestnut certainly impressed the crowd by gobbling down 169 wings. But denizens of chicken coops everywhere beware. Sonya Thomas, 43, managed to take down 181 and win the coveted crown of feathers.

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The Case of the Missing Spirit

The Case of the Missing Spirit

A statue of one of the Wilis in the ballet Giselle has stood in the courtyard of the Montgomery Theater since it was first commissioned in 1979. Now that the city has decided to relocate it to the San Jose Center for Performing Arts in time for an autumn performance of Giselle, the statue has disappeared.

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Less Property Tax Means Less Income

Less Property Tax Means Less Income

County Assessor Larry Stone has estimated that thousands of properties will be reassessed for far less than they are currently listed, meaning less revenue for the county and city. EBay’s property alone, once valued at over $220 million, is now worth just is now valued at just $131.5 million.

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Developer Buys Part of Sunnyvale Shopping Center

Developer Buys Part of Sunnyvale Shopping Center

B-R-E Properties has bought half of what was once the Town and Country shopping center in downtown Sunnyvale, and hopes to convert it into a housing and retail complex. The property, which has already changed hands several times this year, sold for $19 million.

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PUC: It’s Not the Meter, It’s the Messenger

PUC: It’s Not the Meter, It’s the Messenger

An independent, five-month audit of PG&E’s smart meters, released on Thursday, found that it is not the smart meter that’s the problem, but the customer service people receive when they submit their complaints. The study was ordered by the California Public Utilities Commission after receiving a torrent of complaints that recently installed smart meters failed to gauge electricity use accurately.

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The Force of Football

The Force of Football

Dr. Daniel Garza of Stanford is trying to calculate how much force there is when two football players crash into each other. He also hopes that by measuring this force during games, doctors will be able to determine when it’s time for a player to take a break, for the good of the team but also for their own well-being.

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Coyote Population Increasing Dangerously

Coyote Population Increasing Dangerously

The coyote population is exploding along Saratoga Creek in Santa Clara County, with calls complaining about the animals double what they were last year. Some areas, particularly around the town of Saratoga, have already issued warnings to local residents, urging them to keep their pets indoors and small children tended.

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Clash of the Titans

Clash of the Titans

In the war for more eyeballs, Google and Facebook are competing for new audiences by offering users rentable movies and free fantasy sports leagues. Google is negotiating with Hollywood studios to stream hit movies directly to viewers for a fee. Facebook and Electronic Arts are offering a free fantasy football app.

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City and Citizens Looking for a Chief

City and Citizens Looking for a Chief

After the decision to use a closed-door approach to replace SJPD Chief Rob Davis raised some eyebrows, the city held a public meeting last night to discuss the appointment. About two dozen people shared ideas about the qualifications and experience sought for in the ideal candidate. Among the requirements discussed was greater openness to the city’s ethnic communities.

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