Articles by Danny Wool

It’s Not in the Starz for Netflix

It’s Not in the Starz for Netflix

On Thursday, Starz Entertainment issued a press release stating that it, “has ended contract renewal negotiations with Netflix.” As a result, “When the agreement expires on February 28, 2012, Starz will cease to distribute its content on the Netflix streaming platform.”

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iPhone 5 Found in Bar

iPhone 5 Found in Bar

It sounds like it could be the opening line of a whole series of jokes: “A man walks into a bar with an iPhone…” The problem is that it’s becoming a trend in the Apple community.

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HP Still Deciding What to Do with PC Division

HP Still Deciding What to Do with PC Division

HP CEO Leo Apotheker has made it quite clear that he plans to get out of the PC business. How it plans to do that is a different matter altogether.

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Netflix Price Hikes Set to Go into Effect

Netflix Price Hikes Set to Go into Effect

Thursday is Sept. 1, a day long dreaded by movie aficionados. Netflix is officially hiking up its prices, so that people who have gotten used to the convenience of unlimited streaming and dvd rentals for $9.99 a month will now have to pay $15.99, and they’ll only get one DVD at a time.

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Coupons Targeting Sexual Preference, Ethnicity

Coupons Targeting Sexual Preference, Ethnicity

First there was Groupon at the core of couponery, offering great deals of the day to everything from local restaurants to galleries to spas to auto repair shops. Now there are competitors known as “groupies”.

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Smart Phones Could Get Smart

Smart Phones Could Get Smart

A new startup called InStep Nanopower has developed a way to harvest as much as 20 watts just from walking. That’s enough to charge a cell phone, a flashlight, or a camera.

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What Does Yahoo Say About Chinese Censorship?

What Does Yahoo Say About Chinese Censorship?

Yahoo is being scrutinized for Taobao, a software program created by one of the company’s partners. The program is used in China and prevents Internet users from evading web censors.

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A Very Expensive Apple

A Very Expensive Apple

News about Tim Cook’s compensation package are beginning to leak out to the press, and it seems that he will be rather comfortable in his new job.

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Tweet Is Both a Noun and a Verb

Tweet Is Both a Noun and a Verb

Just a decade ago, the word “tweet” was easily defined as “a weak chirping sound, as of a young or small bird.”  That may still be what it means when you’re reading a children’s book, but more savvy logophiles know that a tweet is more commonly used today to describe “a very short message posted on the Twitter Web site.”

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Homes in Los Gatos

Homes in Los Gatos

Surrounded by lush mountains, canyons and towering redwoods, Los Gatos has homes that are not easily forgotten.

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