Articles by Danny Wool

Video of Cop Arresting Teen Released

Video of Cop Arresting Teen Released

The case of the off-duty police officer who faked the arrest of his step-daughter’s boyfriend took a turn yesterday, when the boy’s parents released a cell phone video of the incident. The new video, taken by the boy’s father, is being cited by the boy’s parents as evidence of what actually happened, but also by the police officer’s attorney as evidence that the policeman did not overstep his bounds.

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Angel Investor Slams Angelgate VCs

Angel Investor Slams Angelgate VCs

Angelgate takes a new turn as prominent super-angel Ron Conway writes a scathing email to the participants in a secret VC meeting. The scandal, which broke earlier this week, suggests that prominent angel investors in Silicon Valley are “colluding” to lower startup valuations and keep new and traditional investors out of the market. Conway slammed the participant, writing that, ““Your motives are driven by self serving factors around ego satisfaction and ‘making a buck.’”

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Storing Data, an Atom at a Time

Storing Data, an Atom at a Time

Researchers in San Jose have been spending twelve years studying the behavior atoms. Using a highly refined scanning tunneling microscope he IBM team has been able to unravel how long information remains in a single atom. This, they believe, will be the key to developing even more refined ways of storing data, smaller than anything we can possibly imagine. Their size will be measured in atoms.

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It’s Official. San Jose Has the Worst Roads

It’s Official. San Jose Has the Worst Roads

You may have known it instinctively, but now you have the evidence to back it up. San Jose has the worst roads in the US, with 64 percent of the city’s roads in poor condition. The poor roads take a toll on local drivers, who end up paying $600 to $750 more on car repairs every year because of potholes, cracks, and bumps. The estimated cost of fixing the roads is over $250 million.

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Local Cocaine Kingpin

Local Cocaine Kingpin

A federal indictment, first returned in June but unsealed only on Wednesday, names Timothy White, 40, of San Jose, as the key figure in an extensive network that transported cocaine from California to Pittsburgh, PA, for more than ten years. According to the indictment, White, who was the source of the cocaine, used a series of couriers to fly the drugs across the country, circumventing airport security along the way.

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Zuckerberg Establishes $100 Million Education Fund

Zuckerberg Establishes $100 Million Education Fund

On Friday, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg will appear on the Oprah show to announce the establishment of a $100 million fund to improve education in America. His focus will be Newark, New Jersey, the struggling city just across and down the river from where he grew up in Manhattan. Newark Mayor Cory Booker will announce that he is attempting to find donors to match the donation, for a $200 million boost to the struggling school system.

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New Clinic Planned at Medical Center Site

New Clinic Planned at Medical Center Site

The Medical Center in downtown San Jose has been closed since 2004. Now county officials have announced their plans to construct a new, 60,000 square foot clinic on the site, at the corner of Santa Clara and 17th streets. The new clinic will take five years to complete. The new clinic replaces plans to renovate the Mediplex Building.

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False Arrest Charged

False Arrest Charged

The story begins with a fifteen-year-old boy who reportedly had sex with his girlfriend, and didn’t consider how his girlfriend’s stepfather might respond. The stepfather, who serves on the SJPD’s motorcycle unit, showed up at the boy’s house in full uniform, slapped the cuffs on the kid, and gave him a stern talking to, along with a threat to arrest him for sexual assault. 

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RDA Could Lose More Staff

RDA Could Lose More Staff

The San Jose Redevelopment Agency, once one of the largest in the state, is about to lay off twelve of the 78 employees it has left. Executive Director Harry Mavrogenes warns that more layoffs are down the road this coming year, and the Agency may be forced to let half of its remaining staff go. The drop in available fundscould also impact major projects under the RDA’s auspices, including the proposed baseball stadium and the Convention Center renovation.

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City Council to Discuss Oakland A’s Move

City Council to Discuss Oakland A’s Move

City Council will once again take up the proposed move by the Oakland A’s to San Jose today and express its support for team owner Lew Wolff’s efforts on behalf of the move. Unlike other meetings about the move, however, this one is geared more for public consumption. Also on the table will be the eight “negotiating principles” for the new stadium, including no new taxes for its construction.

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