Articles by Danny Wool

Student Union Gets a Makeover

Student Union Gets a Makeover

The the Student Union building at SJSU is undergoing a $90 million makeover, which will include a new wing. Other features include retrofitting, a print shop, computer center, food court, and coffee shop.The school emphasizes that funding for the makeover does not come from sources that could be used for academic purposes.

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Could Oakland Be Keeping the A’s after All?

Could Oakland Be Keeping the A’s after All?

By moving ahead with a new stadium, Oakland is fighting back against efforts to move the A’s to San Jose. The city is proceeding with an environmental impact report and Mayor-Elect Jean Quan is on record supporting the use of redevelopment money to move ahead with the project. The proposed new stadium will be named Victory Court.

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City Mulls License for Cigarette Dealers

City Mulls License for Cigarette Dealers

City staff is suggesting that the city adopt a new ordinance which would require a license to sell cigarettes, similar to the license store owners require to sell alcohol. The license would cost about $450. First however, they will have to overcome the opposition from cigarette manufacturer Philip Morris among others.

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Berkeley Beats Stanford at Quidditch

Berkeley Beats Stanford at Quidditch

Berkeley’s Donovan McNiff grabbed the golden snitch leading to a stunning victory over Stanford in quidditch. The brooms may not have gotten airborne, but spirits soared as the rival teams bludgeoned, quaffled, and sought before a crowd of cheering Muggles. Intercollegiate sports were never as magical.

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SunPower Moves to San Jose

SunPower Moves to San Jose

SunPower Corp. has decided to relocate their headquarters next spring to a three-building campus in San Jose. CEO Thomas Werner attributed the decision to stay in the city to a $2.5 million, five-year incentive package, still pending approval by City Council. By the time it is approved, the new campus will be upgraded with the goal of reach LEED gold certification.

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Sobrato Building Finally Finds Anchor Tenant

Sobrato Building Finally Finds Anchor Tenant

Lawyers representing PricewaterhouseCoopers announced that their client will be leasing office space in the vacant tower at 488 Almaden Blvd. The building has been an empty hulk ever since it was completed back in 2002. The move is likely to take place in the first quarter of 2011.

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Facebook to Make Big Announcement Today

Facebook to Make Big Announcement Today

Facebook is scheduled to make a big announcement today, and the buzz is that the social networking site is announcing the launch of its own email service. That’s buzz kill for its archrival Google, which operates the popular Gmail service. According to some observers, a new Facebook-based email could become the new hub of all online communications.

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Saudi Arabia Lifts the Veil on Facebook

Saudi Arabia Lifts the Veil on Facebook

Saudi Arabia suddenly banned Facebook this weekend for “crossing a line” that offended sensitivities. The ban was lifted a few hours later, with no further explanation of what the moral crisis was. With no indication of what sparked the current ban, it is unknown whether the Palo Alto-based company reached an agreement with the Saudis to eliminate some offensive content or other.

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Bad News for Yahoo Employees?

Bad News for Yahoo Employees?

Reports filtering out of Yahoo suggest that managers have been asked to target 20 percent of their staffs for layoffs. In other words, about 2,500 people could soon find themselves without a job. Some of the jobs may be outsourced to Bangalore, in an effort to cut down costs.

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San Jose Honors Veterans

San Jose Honors Veterans

San Jose honored Veterans Day on Thursday with the largest parade in the Bay Area. Participants represented all branches of the service who fought from World War II to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan today. Also present was a contingent of local residents who fought in the Soviet Army during World War II.

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