Articles by Danny Wool

It’s Sewage, Not Roses

It’s Sewage, Not Roses

The city’s Water Pollution Control Plant’s lagoons of untreated waste foul the air for its neighbors, but the city is taking its time to deal with the problem. While it recognizes that the odor is a problem, solving it could cost $250 million. A complete renovation of the facility will cost $1 billion, which would take thirty years. Neighbors of the plant wants a solution now.

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‘Extinct’ Species Makes a Comeback

‘Extinct’ Species Makes a Comeback

The last time Franciscan manzanita was seen in nature was in 1947, in San Francisco’s Laurel Hill cemetery. The Bay Area plant, once considered extinct, was rediscovered growing on a freeway divider in October 2009. Thanks to the efforts of local biologists, it is now making a comeback, and could be reclassified as endangered.

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Internet Blocked in Egypt to Stifle Dissent

Internet Blocked in Egypt to Stifle Dissent

Facebook and Twitter aren’t the only sites being blocked by the Egyptian authorities in an effort to stifle unrest. As protesters take to the streets, the government has shut down the entire internet, leaving people to search for other means to communicate their frustration with the regime.

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Calling All Facebook Friends

Calling All Facebook Friends

More and more people are communicating by Facebook. With Facebook mail now in the works, is it possible that voice communication will be next? The internet is buzzing with rumors that it is.

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Maxim Moving to San Jose

Maxim Moving to San Jose

Maxim Integrated Products, a leading designer and manufacturer of semiconductor products with $2 billion in annual sales, announced that it will be moving its headquarters to North San Jose’s Golden Triangle.

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Headline Hints at Spike in Violence

Headline Hints at Spike in Violence

A man was shot on Wednesday on Roundtable Drive, but by the time police arrived he and the perpetrators had fled the scene. The SJPD later reported that the victim’s friends dropped him off in the emergency room of a nearby hospital. Though police are investigating the shooting, they have yet to identify the victim or say what the motive was. Police have also not indicated whether the incident was gang-related or not.

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Google Jobs and Yahoo Jobs

Google Jobs and Yahoo Jobs

While Google announced plans to hire new employees, Yahoo announced plans to lay off more people as it prepared to release its fourth quarter statement. Income was up but revenue was down for Yahoo, leading some investors to wonder how long Carol Bartz should be given to turn the troubled company around.

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The Social Business or the Social Network

The Social Business or the Social Network

A hacker gained access to Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook account and called for the company to be turned into a “social business,” where investors can recoup their investment, but they will not get any dividends. The comment, which appeared on the Zuckerberg Fan Page, received 1,800 likes and 500 comments before it was removed.

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Police Tackle Laser Problem

Police Tackle Laser Problem

Police arrested a local resident for pointing a laser at an aircraft about a mile from Reid-Hillview Airport.The suspect also pointed his laser at the police helicopter sent to find him, making it easy for the police to track him down. The incident occurred just days after a report that ranks San Jose third in the nation for the number of lasers being pointed at aircraft..

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Emergency Meeting Discusses Spike in Violence

Emergency Meeting Discusses Spike in Violence

At an emergency meeting in Santee on Monday night, residents discussed this month’s spike in violent crime in the city. The meeting was attended by Deputy Mayor Madison Nguyen and Assistant Police Chief Diane Urban. Both women called on the community to assist the police in overcoming gang violence.

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