Articles by Danny Wool

Happy Birthday, Facebook

Happy Birthday, Facebook

Congratulations to the Ibrahim family of Egypt on the birth of their daughter. The child is one of the first to be born in a new, democratic Egypt, and the family celebrated her birth by naming her after one of the prime instigators of the revolution, Facebook.

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The Governor and the Santa Clara Stadium

The Governor and the Santa Clara Stadium

With RDA money in the lurch, the City of Santa Clara is looking for alternatives to funding the proposed stadium for the 49ers. At their meeting on Tuesday, City Councilmembers plan to send a sharp message to Governor Brown: “Hands off our stadium money.” Nevertheless, the state could seize as much as $40 million, previously earmarked for the stadium.

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Homes in the Carlton Avenue Neighborhood

Homes in the Carlton Avenue Neighborhood

The neighborhood commonly known as Carlton, located around Carlton Avenue not far from Blossom Hill Road, is in San Jose but feels a bit like nearby Los Gatos. The neighborhood is made up of ‘60s-era homes situated on big lots located on quiet side streets, and offers close-up views of the hills.

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Glen Beck Takes on Google

Glen Beck Takes on Google

Google has lost a valued client in the person of pundit Glenn Beck. The pundit has added Google to communists, fascists, and Islamic radicals aiming to establish a New World Order. And while he hasn’t directly called for a boycott of the search engine giant, he announced that he will be more circumspect about how he researches things online.

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Facebook Takes a Stand on Civil Unions

Facebook Takes a Stand on Civil Unions

Proposition 8 is still in the courts, but Facebook took a major stand toward advancing the cause of gay rights by offering the option of adding “domestic partnership” and “civil union” to people’s relationship status.The option, however, is currently limited to a handful of countries, with various attitudes toward civil unions.

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Reserve Center at Moffett Honors Slain Sergeant

Reserve Center at Moffett Honors Slain Sergeant

Moffett Field was packed yesterday with local officials, military top brass, and the recipients of countless medals. They were there to honor Sergeant James Witkowski, better known as “Ski,” by dedicating a new $83 million Army Reserve Center to his memory.

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Thank You, Rick Scott

Thank You, Rick Scott

High speed rail could get a boost now that Florida’s governor has turned down $2.4 billion in federal funding for his own state’s project. The money will be diverted to other states, willing to proceed with their own high speed rail projects. Among the top contenders are New York and California.

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Facebook’s Face-to-Face with the President.

Facebook’s Face-to-Face with the President.

President Obama will be coming to Silicon Valley today to meet with local business leaders, including Zuckerberg, Schmidt, and Jobs. It’s a perfect match. Together the companies these three men represent have a market cap of over half a trillion dollars, and together with some of the other attendees at the meeting,  there will be fabled amounts of money in the room.

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Transit Village but No Train?

Transit Village but No Train?

Caltrain’s Lawrence Station in Sunnyvale may be the state’s next transit village, but will Caltrain continue to run there? The main attraction of transit villages is that they combine mass transportation, retail, and residential neighborhoods within a relatively dense area, ensuring that all benefit. But with Caltrain looking to slash services, transportation may be removed from the equation.

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Subpoenaing a Facebook Page

Subpoenaing a Facebook Page

In a case of the law failing to keep up with technology, the California Supreme Court is deciding whether to review the subpoena of a juror’s Facebook page. The case has wide reaching implications about the use of social networking and blogging by jurors in California courtrooms. Florida and Georgia have already banned them. Will Californian be next?

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