Articles by Danny Wool

Mayor Suggests eBay Auction for Marijuana Dispensaries

Mayor Suggests eBay Auction for Marijuana Dispensaries

Mayor Chuck Reed has suggested auctioning off licenses for medical marijuana dispensaries on eBay. According to Reed, putting the licenses up on eBay would help the city determine the real market value, while bringing some money into the city’s coffers. What Reed failed to note was eBay’s policy toward the sale of drug paraphernalia.

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Tsunami Warning: Roads to Santa Cruz Beach Flats Closed

Tsunami Warning: Roads to Santa Cruz Beach Flats Closed

A tsunami warning has been issued for most of the West Coast of the U.S. and Canada, following the disastrous 8.9 earthquake in Japan earlier this morning. In the South Bay, a warning has been issued for the Santa Cruz County community of Davenport, with an ETA of 7:39. Early this morning it launched special versions of its People Finder program to help find people affected by the 8.9 magnitude quake.

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Parents To Be Held Accountable for Teen Drinking?

Parents To Be Held Accountable for Teen Drinking?

City Councilmember Nancy Pyle had a chance to get parents’ perspectives on a proposed city ordinance that would hold them accountable for the consequences of underage drinking parties they enabled. While the ordinance has yet to be written, supporters envision fining parents for the cost of emergency services incurred in DUIs involving teens who drank under their auspices.

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Mayor, City Council Discuss Medical Marijuana Cap

Mayor, City Council Discuss Medical Marijuana Cap

City officials want to reduce the number of medical marijuana dispensaries active in the city. According to current estimations, there are 110 dispensaries doing business in the city, but the vast majority of these are not licensed. Mayor Chuck Reed and several members of City Council want to bring that number down to just ten.

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Coalition Trying to Save State’s Parks, Farmland

Coalition Trying to Save State’s Parks, Farmland

A coalition of foundations and environmental groups are hoping to rein in development throughout the South Bay and protect the region’s natural beauty. The group, known as the Living Landscape Initiative, is not opposed to the high tech boom that fuels the growth of Silicon Valley. What they want is to maintain the balance, between housing and farmland, start-ups and forests.

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Facebook Tops List for Lent

Facebook Tops List for Lent

Forget about fasting. Forget about meat. Foregoing Facebook is the new religious rage this Lent. Throughout California, churches are reporting that more and more parishioners are giving up Facebook during these forty days of sacrifice.

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One Million Is a Lot of People

One Million Is a Lot of People

The Bay Area as a whole may be one of the most densely populated places in California, but no city in the region has passed the 1 million residents mark … yet. According to the latest census results, San Jose is still the third largest city in the state and the 10th most populous city in the country. It is also the only one of the top 10 cities with a population of under 1 million. Based on current trends, it may take till 2021 to get there.

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Who’s Following Castro’s Tweets

Who’s Following Castro’s Tweets

Though prolix speeches are as Castro as fine cigars and fatigues, the retired Cuban leader has just passed 100,000 followers on his Twitter account—Castro himself follows only 19 people. The sad thing is that he is not the most popular Cuban twitterer. That honor goes to Yoani Sanchez, a blogger and political dissident in Havana with 109,898 followers. 

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Libraries to Take Budget Hit

Libraries to Take Budget Hit

In San Jose, many libraries have been forced to cut back hours. With budget cuts, they could be cutting their opening hours down to just three days a week.

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Local Fitness Guru Dies in Crash

Local Fitness Guru Dies in Crash

Steve Sokol was known as the “World’s Fittest Man.” He died in a car crash on Monday morning, after his car rammed into a power pole on Cottle Road.

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