Articles by Danny Wool

Homes in Berryessa

Homes in Berryessa

There’s something inviting about the north valley community of Berryessa. This quiet residential San Jose neighborhood, bordering Milpitas, is well-stocked with single-family homes and is solidly middle class with a very diverse population. There are a number of Berryessa homes for sale right now, in a variety of price ranges, that cater to families with kids.

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Finding OBL on Google Maps

Finding OBL on Google Maps

It seems that few Google mappers have spent any time in scenic Abbottabad, and though the media keeps telling us that the compound stuck out like a minaret in a megachurch, apparently that wasn’t enough intel for the erstwhile cartooglegraphers. Unlike JSOC, they got the wrong compound.

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Largest Sikh Temple in the U.S. Opens

Largest Sikh Temple in the U.S. Opens

The Sikh community of the Bay Area celebrated the opening of the largest Sikh temple in the United States on Sunday. The San Jose Sikh Gurdwara, occupies 110,000 sq. feet in a 40 acre campus on Murillo Avenue in Evergreen Hills. It was completed at a total cost of $32 million. The complex includes a prayer hall, classrooms, apartments, and a vegetarian kitchen.

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Teen Shot at Skate Park

Teen Shot at Skate Park

A seventeen-year-old boy was shot with a small caliber handgun Friday at Stonegate Skatepark on Gassman Avenue.

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Wrightspeed Sets Up Shop in San Jose

Wrightspeed Sets Up Shop in San Jose

Wrightspeed develops and manufactures fuel efficient, hybrid-electric drive systems that can be incorporated into a wide range of trucks, including heavy trucks, and the company is coming to San Jose.

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Fundraiser for Beaten Fan a Giant Success

Fundraiser for Beaten Fan a Giant Success

A fundraiser on behalf of Bryan Stow, the local paramedic who was beaten unconscious at Dodgers Stadium last week for wearing a Giants shirt, was more successful than first thought.

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Defendants in DeAnza Gang Rape Case Not Liable

Defendants in DeAnza Gang Rape Case Not Liable

Christopher Knopf and Kenneth Chadwick, the two remaining defendants in a civil suit brought by an alleged rape victim, were found not to be liable Thursday.

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Google Leases Office in Beverly Hills

Google Leases Office in Beverly Hills

Few companies are as closely identified with Silicon Valley as Google. In its quest for world domination, however, it is important to have outposts in other major centers, such as New York or Hong Kong. Or Beverley Hills?

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Naming Contest Announced for City’s Youngest Falcons

Naming Contest Announced for City’s Youngest Falcons

Now that three out of the four falcon eggs have hatched on a ledge high above City Hall, Mayor Chuck Reed has announced the launch of this year’s falcon naming contest.

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Fundraiser Held to Support Beaten Giants Fan

Fundraiser Held to Support Beaten Giants Fan

Over 2,500 people showed up for a fundraiser to support the family of Bryan Stow, a local paramedic who was beaten in the parking lot of Dodgers Stadium last Thursday, apparently for wearing a Giants shirt.

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