Articles by Danny Wool

Los Gatos, Campbell Investigate Merger of 911 Services

Los Gatos, Campbell Investigate Merger of 911 Services

With cost-cutting a priority for the cash-strapped towns of Santa Clara County, the Los Gatos-Monte Sereno police force is considering merging its 911 emergency dispatch service with neighboring Campbell’s.

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When Is Facebook Following You?

When Is Facebook Following You?

An Australian blogger, Nik Cubrilovic, is claiming that Facebook continues to follow its users even after they log out of the website.

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Another Challenge for Netflix

Another Challenge for Netflix

It hasn’t been a good couple of months for Reed Hastings, CEO of Netflix. has reported extensively on the price hike fiasco, which culminated in a rush of users to find alternatives and a subsequent stock decline.

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Homes in Sunnyvale

Homes in Sunnyvale

Sunnyvale is the epicenter of the Silicon Valley job rush and it’s the second largest city in Santa Clara County.

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President Obama Coming to the Bay Area

President Obama Coming to the Bay Area

On Monday, President Barack Obama will be in Mountain View to attend a private Town Hall hosted by LinkedIn on the topic, “Putting America Back to Work: LinkedIn Presents a Town Hall with President Obama.”

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Big Changes at Facebook

Big Changes at Facebook

Thursday was a big day for Facebook, with plenty of changes being announced at the f8 conference. The reactions are mixed, with some people saying that they are “blown away” by the new design, while other complaining that it makes the site far more corporate and less social.

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Apotheker Gone, Whitman Brought In at HP

Apotheker Gone, Whitman Brought In at HP

Meg Whitman has been out of a job since the race for the governorship of California didn’t pan out.  That all changed on Thursday, when the former eBay head honcho was named the new CEO of HP. She will be replacing Leo Apotheker, who has been in the position for less than a year.

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Another Challenge for Netflix

Another Challenge for Netflix

It hasn’t been a good couple of months for Reed Hastings, CEO of Netflix. has reported extensively on the price hike fiasco, which culminated in a rush of users to find alternatives and a subsequent stock decline.

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Schmidt Testifies before Senate Committee

Schmidt Testifies before Senate Committee

Google’s Eric Schmidt testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee’s antitrust panel to respond to charges that Google was manipulating search results to favor its own companies.

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Google Facing Anti-Trust Challenges

Google Facing Anti-Trust Challenges

Once upon a time there was a search engine named Google, which grew and grew, not only as a search engine but also as a repository of other information that people might want. There was Google Maps and Google Books. There was Knol and there was Youtube. Then there were Android cell phones. More recently, as Google grew, it started to imitate it competitors.

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