Articles by Danny Wool

Zynga IPO on the Horizon

Zynga IPO on the Horizon

With 250 million people now playing Zynga games online, rumors are circulating that the makers of Cityville, Farmville, and Mafia Wars are ready to release their own IPO.

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Google, Sprint Partner for Digital Wallet

Google, Sprint Partner for Digital Wallet

Google will announce the release of a new mobile-payment service in conjunction with Sprint that will allow smart phones to gradually replace credit and debit cards.

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Linkedin Stock Surge: Scam?

Linkedin Stock Surge: Scam?

By selling Linkedin stock to their favored clients at $45, then watching it soar to $90, the banks that valued Linkedin stock earned those clients $175 million, which would otherwise have gone to Linkedin itself.

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Zuckerberg Taking Facebook to Young Children?

Zuckerberg Taking Facebook to Young Children?

Mark Zuckerberg wants to expand Facebook’s reach by opening the site up to children under thirteen. First, however, he’ll have to take on COPPA, the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act.

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Mac Users Report More Malware

Mac Users Report More Malware

It has long been accepted dogma among Mac users that their operating system is immune to the malware threats that plague other computers of the kind best personified by John Hodgman. Until now.

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Secret Service Slams Fox News on Twitter

Secret Service Slams Fox News on Twitter

A mistake on the Secret Service’s Twitter account has left the agency scrambling to apologize after a member criticized Fox News.

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Is Apple Up to Something This Weekend?

Is Apple Up to Something This Weekend?

Thursday marks the 10th anniversary of the launch of its first retail store. While that could be a reason for celebration, rumors are circulating around the web that at each Apple store 10-15 employees have been asked to come in for a special shift on Saturday night. They will be expected to lock their phones in a safe and sign a non-disclosure agreement.

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Bing Introduces ‘Social Search’

Bing Introduces ‘Social Search’

In its most recent effort to improve search results, Bing has introduced its new “social search” feature. Rather than simply offering random matches spewed out by an algorithm, social search prioritizes the things that users and their friends “like,” based on the Like buttons they click on Facebook. What it means is that users from San Jose, CA, won’t have to go by way of San Jose, Costa Rica, to get localized information they want, assuming that most of their friends have clicked “Like” on local pages.

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Yahoo Stocks Slide After Alibaba Fiasco

Yahoo Stocks Slide After Alibaba Fiasco

The truce between Yahoo and Alibaba has not had its intended effect. Despite a joint statement that the parties “are engaged in and committed to productive negotiations to resolve the outstanding issues related to Alipay in a manner that serves the interests of all shareholders as soon as possible,” Yahoo’s stock price slid another 4.5 percent in trading on Monday. The stock stood at $15.81 at the close of trading.

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California v. Facebook

California v. Facebook

Facebook may be a major player in the social networking boom that is helping to drive California’s economy, but the State Legislature is becoming wary of how the website operates with respect to minors. A new bill in the California Senate, SB242, would require Facebook and websites like it to enable users to establish privacy settings before they post any data online. It would also allow parents of children under the age of eighteen to demand that the site remove personally identifying information about their children, and force the site to comply within 48 hours.

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