Articles by Danny Wool

How Far Will People Go to Get an iPad?

How Far Will People Go to Get an iPad?

An iPad 2 is the latest rage in China. A teen wanted one so badly that he reportedly sold a kidney.

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Patent ‘Troll’ Sues Apple’s Independent Developers

Patent ‘Troll’ Sues Apple’s Independent Developers

Lodsys has been claiming that patents which it licenses to Apple do not cover independent developers who create apps for Apple products.

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Netflix Shares Hit Record Highs

Netflix Shares Hit Record Highs

Streaming videos has paid off for Netflix. On Tuesday, the company’s shares closed at $270.80, a record high for the Los Gatos-based company, and almost 15 percent higher than their close at the end of April. Over the past 52 weeks, Netflix has ranged from $95.33 per share to yesterday’s record closing.

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Zynga’s New Game Reflects Investor’s Passion

Zynga’s New Game Reflects Investor’s Passion

Zynga is releasing a new game that could be perfecty timed with a rumored release of an initial public offering of stock. Investor Peter Thiel could stand to benefit quite a bit from the company going public.

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Yahoo Reportedly Reaches Deal with Ali Baba

Yahoo Reportedly Reaches Deal with Ali Baba

Reports indicate that a deal has been reached between Yahoo and AliBaba after an embarrassing rift was created between the two partner companies.

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Lockheed Martin Admits to Coming Under Cyber Attack

Lockheed Martin Admits to Coming Under Cyber Attack

On Saturday, defense contractor Lockheed Martin admitted that it had come under a ““significant and tenacious” cyber attack. Nevertheless, the nation’s largest defense conrtractor added that, “Our systems remain secure; no customer, program, or employee personal data has been compromised.” Considering the scope of Lockheed Martin’s contracts, this is especially good news. The company provides the Department of Defense with everything from F-22 fighter jets and Trident missiles to wartime communications satellites.

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Family Homes in Sunnyvale

Family Homes in Sunnyvale

Back in 1912, the city was blanketed by fruit orchards and fields of sweet corn—long- since replaced by homes and high-tech campuses. Yahoo, Juniper, Palm, and Nokia call Sunnyvale home, as do Lockheed Martin and Honeywell. If there are jobs to be had in California, they’re to be had right here in Sunnyvale. There are beautiful homes to be had here too, which reflect the suburban nature of the community.

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Facebook Roast Focuses on MySpace

Facebook Roast Focuses on MySpace has just released a video roast of Facebook. It even contains some professional roasters, including Penn Jillette as Google, Gilbert Gottfried as Twitter, and Lisa Lampanelli as FourSquare.

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Case of Beaten Giants Fan Not Ready for DA

Case of Beaten Giants Fan Not Ready for DA

Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck believes that he has a solid case against Giovanni Ramirez, the suspect arrested in the beating of Bryan Stow at Dodger Stadium this April. Nevertheless, he admits that he is not yet ready to bring the high profile case to the DA.

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Facebook Removes Campaign to Stop Women from Driving

Facebook Removes Campaign to Stop Women from Driving

Manal al-Sharif is a hero to many women in Saudi Arabia, but she is also the scourge of many men there. She is pushing for the unthinkable—no, not granting women the vote. That would be ridiculous. She wants Saudi women to be allowed to drive cars.

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