Articles by Danny Wool

Homes in Santa Clara

Homes in Santa Clara

Founded in 1777, just one year after the United States declared its independence, Santa Clara is one of California’s oldest cities. Right now there are several homes on the market that offer a piece of old Santa Clara.

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Oracle Sues Google for Billions

Oracle Sues Google for Billions

Oracle has sued Google for a sum “in the billions of dollars” for patent infringement relating to it’s Java software platform. Oracle acquired the rights to Java when it acquired Sun Microsystems in 2010.

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Los Gatos Teacher Charged with Sex Abuse

Los Gatos Teacher Charged with Sex Abuse

Colette Phelps, a 28-year-old Los Gatos teacher, has been charged with committing “lewd and lascivious acts” against a 14- or 15-year-old student from one of the Stratford Schools in San Jose.

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LulzSec Does It Again

LulzSec Does It Again

After hacking the Senate website on Tuesday, the intrepid hacker group LulzSec targeted the CIA with a denial of service attack. LulzSec later tweeted, “Tango down – – for the lulz.”

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Pandora Has Optimistic, Challenging IPO

Pandora Has Optimistic, Challenging IPO

The Internet radio station and online sensation Pandora has released an IPO at $16 per share, giving the company an estimated market value of $2.6 billion.

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Google Tackles Residential Solar Energy

Google Tackles Residential Solar Energy

Google and solar panel development and distribution company SolarCity, believe that people’s energy choice “will help to play a major role in our economy and our environment.”

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Planning For North 40

Planning For North 40

Los Gatos’ last 40 acres of undeveloped land is scheduled for private development, but the town’s Planning Commission wants to use on-line surveys to find out what people think should be done.

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Hackers Target Senate

Hackers Target Senate

There’s one thing to be said for Anthony Weiner. Though his Twitter account was not hacked as he originally claimed, as far as excuses go, it was pretty good. It may have even been inspirational. CNET is reporting that a group of hackers known as Lulz Security successfully hacked the Senate’s computers and gained access to its server’s directory and file structure.

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Bill Gates Says Mark Zuckerberg is Engaged

Bill Gates Says Mark Zuckerberg is Engaged

Rumors are circulating that Facebook founder and mega-zillionaire Mark Zuckerberg is engaged to longtime girlfriend Priscilla Chan.

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Is Facebook Shrinking?

Is Facebook Shrinking?

While Facebook would no doubt like to see every man, woman and child over the age of 13 sign up for an account, a recent report claims that in the U.S., at least, the site is actually shrinking.

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