Articles by Danny Wool

Who Wants to Buy Hulu?

Who Wants to Buy Hulu?

The LA Times has reported that Yahoo is eying Hulu in the hope of purchasing the video streaming company. Citing “a person with knowledge of the matter,” they add that there is no indication as to whether the company is interested in selling.

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Groupon Takes Bigger Office Space in Silicon Valley

Groupon Takes Bigger Office Space in Silicon Valley

Groupon may have gotten its start in Chicago, but everything about it is Silicon Valley.

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Online Farming Surpasses On-field Farming

Online Farming Surpasses On-field Farming

Farming is making a comeback, and it’s not just the fans of local food and organic produce who are behind the shift. It’s the Internet. About 20 percent of the total population now plays Zynga’s Farmville.

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Sean Connery’s Letter to Steve Jobs is Fake, Unfortunately.

Sean Connery’s Letter to Steve Jobs is Fake, Unfortunately.

Sean Connery’s missive was the “Best letter ever!” if you trust what people say on Twitter, but The Washington Post has discovered that Connery’s letter to Steve Jobs was actually a fake, put out by the humor site Scoopertino.

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Japan Builds Fastest Computer in the World

Japan Builds Fastest Computer in the World

Japan has announced a new supercomputer, the Fujitsu K, which it says will be capable of doing 10 quadrillion (1 followed by 15 zeros) equations per second, making it more powerful than the combined capabilities of the next five supercomputers in the world.

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LulzSec Strikes Again and Again. Hacker Arrested in Britain

LulzSec Strikes Again and Again. Hacker Arrested in Britain

LulzSec has been making some new friends and some powerful enemies over the weekend. Rumors that the group was feuding with Anonymous, another famous hacker consortium, proved to be little more than wishful thinking, now that the two groups have announced that they will be collaborating to take on banks and government agencies.

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Sean Connery Not an Apple Fan in Letter

Sean Connery Not an Apple Fan in Letter

Steve Jobs has been after Sean Connery to participate in an Apple commercial for some time. Connery has turned Jobs down not once but several times, saying that he would not “sell his soul for Apple or any other company.”

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ICANN Agrees to Expand Domain Names

ICANN Agrees to Expand Domain Names

After six years of negotiations, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), has agreed to dramatically expand the number of suffixes available for websites around the world.

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From Free Information to Free Servers

From Free Information to Free Servers

The Wikimedia Foundation that manages Wikipedia and various other free information sites may soon become the largest repository of free servers too.

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Skype Lays Off Top Execs Ahead of Microsoft Takeover

Skype Lays Off Top Execs Ahead of Microsoft Takeover

Following Microsoft’s announcement that it plans to buy Skype for $8.5 billion, the successful European VoiP company is firing top brass in an attempt to reduce the value of their payout.

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