Art of Living Yoga and Meditation Center

2370A Walsh Ave, Santa Clara , CA
+1 408.365.4265
Art of Living Yoga and Meditation Center Website
Yoga, Sports & Recreation, Religion, Meditation Centers, Organizations, Health Organizations
Mon-Sun (9am-10pm)
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The Art of Living Center offers stress relief programs with Breathing techniques, Yoga & Meditation. The center also offers complementary programs for the local community to relax and de-stress.
The Art of Living Foundation
offers programs to uncover the strength, peace, and joy that lie at the core of every human being. By nurturing the spirit and compassion of every individual, the Foundation seeks to help build a global society that is free of stress, violence, and misery - and full of service, wisdom, and celebration.

To strengthen the individual and society by offering programs inspired by His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar that eliminate stress, create a sense of belonging, restore human values, develop life to its full potential, and encourage people from all backgrounds to come together in celebration, wisdom, and service.
