Applied Painting Services

Keymar Dr, San Jose , CA
+1 408.317.8743
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Applied Painting Services in San Jose, CA was newly created by a former Commercial Property Manager, in 2011. We are a young and dedicated company that will cater to your needs and specifications.  Through commitment coupled with our property management experience, the quality we provide is unsurpassed.  With experienced painters in the Bay Area, in both commercial and residential applications, we guarantee your satisfaction!  We love what we do and it shows in our work!

With experience in what curb appeal can do for any property, we guaranty our ideas and expertise will help you get through your design and paint needs.  Allow us to help you with your current or upcoming projects.  Many of our ideas will save you time, expenses, and prolong the life of your work.

Materials are always changing, and many improvements have been made regarding earth, people, and environmentally friendly products.  We use a full line of NON VOC and LOW VOC paints to allow our customers to decide whats right for their needs. 

Specialty coatings also need experienced users. Let us put that beautiful new garage and driveway floor coating on for you, we will gladly help you decide which product and color is right for your application. 

We offer discounted pricing for all of our valued customers and are eager to provide you with excellent service throughout your project.  If you are painting in San Jose, painting in the South Bay, or painting anywhere in the Bay Area, call or email us anytime for your interior or exterior painting needs!
