Alsabeel Masjid Noor Al-Islam

48 Golden Gate Ave, San Francisco , CA
Alsabeel Masjid Noor Al-Islam Website
Religion, Islam & Mosques


Alsabeel Masjid Noor Al-Islam is located in the center of San Francisco in Civic center / Union Square.
We are serving the San Francisco community by providing many activities all year long.
We organize Annual Islamic convention , weekly Jumua prayer(500 attendees), weekly Islamic dourus and lectures by sheikh Safwat Morsy, picnics, Weekly Free dinner an everyone is welcome to attend Muslim or Non Muslim, summer Family camp, sportif tournment, outreach program for schools.
we have a youth club. a sister club and they have halaqa every week, we have a halaqa as well for new muslim sisters.
Arabic courses, quran class, IT courses ( 3 D animation), Free High speed Internet for all members.

Alsabeel Masjid Noor Al-Islam is strivning to provide the best services to its community here in San Francisco.
We are implementing what we have learned from the Holy book Quran and the Sunnah (Teaching of Prophet Mohamed PBUH) in practical way and daily life and may Allah accept from us.
