Als Beef - San Jose

71 Curtner Ave. Ste 80, San Jose , CA
+1 408.380.4876
Als Beef - San Jose Website
Restaurants, Italian Restaurants, Caterers, Food & Drink Event/Festival
Mon-Sat (11am-11pm)
Sun (11am-10pm)
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Al's Beef is totally dedicated to preserving what this country has come to recognize as a true food icon. When the History Channel produced their 2-hour "History of Food in America" documentary, Al's Beef was the only Chicago restaurant featured. When Gourmet magazine decided to do a story on the new Italian beef sensation, it was Al's Beef that was featured in a 4-page spread. And when Travel and Leisure magazine ran their "Top 10 Sandwiches in America"… you guessed it, it was Al's Beef that was picked. In March of 2008, Esquire Magazine named the Al’s Italian Beef sandwich as one of “the Best Sandwiches in America.” It's these and so many more awards and recognitions that have kept us focused on the tradition: keeping our eye on the beef. We have a lot to be proud of and a great legacy to grow and preserve.

