A & J Landscaping

2241 blackfield drive, Concord , CA
A & J Landscaping Website
Home & Garden, Landscaping & Yard Maintenance
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Full service drainage solutions = French Drains, Surface Drains, Sump Pump,Gutter catch systems, and Catch Basin Installation Call your local licensed contractor Jason 877-511-9273
Keep it Local Help local families

visit us on the web at www.ajlandscape.com

We only service: Martinez, Pacheco, Pleasant Hill, Concord, Clayton, Walnut Creek, Lafayette, and some Alamo and Danville.


We do all this and more!!!

Hillside clearing / Weed Abatement and removal

Yard care,weekly,bi-weekly,monthly and cleanups

Sod or Seed Lawns

Water falls and ponds

Automatic or Manual Sprinkler and Drip Systems

Full service drainage solutions = French Drains, Surface Drains, Sump Pump,Gutter catch systems, and Catch Basin Installation

Water Removal from Under House using Surface Pumps

Moss Rock Walls and Wood or Plastic Borders

Retaining Walls and Fencing

Decks and Restoration

Flagstone, Brick, and Paver Walkways and Patios

Tree Trimming and Removal

Plant and Tree Installation

We install flats; 1, 5, or 15-gallons, and 24 or 36-inch boxes

Spring and Fall Clean-ups as well as hauling

Dethatching, Aeration, and Deep Fertilization

Pressure Washing and Gutter Cleaning
