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Win Free Stuff!

Win Free Stuff!

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Metro Giveaways

Metro Giveaways

Enter to win free concert tickets, movie passes, dinners, gift certificates, VIP tables and more.

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Same Same

Same Same

On its website, San Francisco-based Pax Labs, a pioneer of cannabis vaping products, has devoted a page to explaining the differences between the indica and sativa types of cannabis. Indicas, it says, “are typically relaxing and calming strains” that “activate the parasympathetic response, which can…

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Strange Synth

Strange Synth

Some people give old clothes to the Salvation Army. I donate FM synthesis techniques to the building where I came from. I recently unearthed a few boxes of old music textbooks from college that I hadn’t opened in 20 years. Rifling through them felt like…

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Joint Efforts

Joint Efforts

According to a new study, weed can be a great motivator. Read More  

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Cruising Kooser

Cruising Kooser

Revisiting the second Chuck E. Cheese and the last Burger Pit. Read More  

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Joint Efforts

Joint Efforts

In 2010, I launched a cannabis blog for Slate’s business-news site, unfortunately called The Big Money. It was named after a 1936 novel by the then-socialist writer John Dos Passos, but nobody got the reference and the name just seemed dumb. Sadly, Slate shut down…

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Cruising Kooser

Cruising Kooser

When Herman Horton Kooser came to San Jose 160 years ago, he did not know his future street would help define the second Chuck E. Cheese and the last Burger Pit. What’s left of Kooser Road today is a street most people wouldn’t think of…

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Riot Reputation

Riot Reputation

Palomar Ballroom’s turbulent history results in grand memories. Read More  

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Sin Tax

Sin Tax

Overtaxation is stifling the legal cannabis industry. Read More  

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