In an age where everything is go, go, go, there is little time to step back and just be, but the Holistic Arts Fair puts the chaos on pause, even for just a moment, to focus on self, stillness, health and the beauty of being—and to explore alternative methods of living well.

To many, the methodologies touted by the fair’s practitioners may be suspect. For others, however, this event may prove to be the first step toward healing.

For almost 20 years the Holistic Arts Fair has focused on healing and transformation by combining arts and crafts with mental and physical health through a series of lectures, workshops, exhibits, music, food and drink. Corry’s Culinary Creations will provide food and drink options including vegetarian fare.

This year’s exhibits include the body restoration clinic with health screenings, essential oils and more—as well as yoga workshops, card readings, massages for post-rehab and preventative care. In a world where, public schools and most mainstream media outlets tow the line of mainstream Western medicine, the Holistic Arts Fair provides an alternative view on wellness by demonstrating methods for self-care through reconnecting and strengthening individual spirituality and lifestyle choices.

The journey to holistic healing can be daunting, but speakers such as Darwin Keith Rector of the Spiritual Unfoldment Network will be there there to help with teachings on meditation and spiritual advancement, which takes folks on a process of connecting to their spirituality to help reach goals more effectively.

Another head turning speaker is author E. Alana Meece. This year’s presidential race will certainly be a tough one, and Meece is looking to the heavens to see what it will look like. Specializing in horoscopes and cosmic cycles, Meece will speak on the cycles of the past and cycles of the future paying special attention to this year’s presidential race.

The entire festival will feature 20 lectures and workshops in addition to speakers from a variety of backgrounds and practices while showcasing over 60 exhibits.

The Holistic Arts Fair runs Sep. 24-25. Admission is free.