When twins are toddlers and they dress alike, it can actually be kind of cute. When twins are 30 years old and they dress alike, it gets kind of creepy. That hasn’t stopped the Winklevoss twins from donning identical suits and fluorescent green ties to promote pistachios.
Winklevoss A cracks open a pistachio between his thumb and forefinger. Winklevoss B is duly impressed and says, “Hey, that’s a good idea.” So far, it’s all good, except for the fluorescent green ties. Then comes the not-so-subtle jab at Facebook.
“What?” asks Winke-A.
“Cracking it like that,” responds Winkle-B. “It could be huge.”
“Think someone will steal it from us?” Winkle-A wonders out loud.
“Who’d do that?” they ask the camera.
One can only wonder how Mark Zuckerberg is reacting. Most likely, he’s sitting back in his office office, thinking, “You’re wearing ugly ties and competing with Crystal the Monkey for a spot on a TV commercial. I’m wearing flip flops and a hoodie, and still worth more money than you can imagine.”
Who’s really nuts?