848 Community Space

848 Divisadero St, San Francisco , CA
(415) 922-2385
Small Business Services
Mon-Sun (10am-11pm)
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848 Community Space is a community-access, do-it-yourself space available to artists, activists, and community-makers for rehearsals, meetings, performances, public discussions, rituals, art exhibits, and educational events. We have done and will continue to do almost anything! 848 is an urban gallery with an 1100 square foot open space, an office, kitchen and 2 bathrooms.

It's true! After 13 years on Divisadero Street, 848 Community Space is finally moving to a new, larger location. It's called CounterPULSE, and it's at 1310 Mission Street (at 9th).

This is our LAST season of performances here in the Western Addition, and we hope you'll help us get the word out about our move, as well as our exciting and diverse fall season. We would especially appreciate publicity highlighting The Moving Benefit: 848's 13th Anniversary Shows on November 19th and 20th.
