The Mmoon also rises. The family-run empanaderia, which had operated a downtown San Jose restaurant since 2010, decided to close the downtown eatery this summer and consolidate, focusing their energy on their Los Gatos location.

On a recent check-in at the Los Gatos spot, the place was buzzing. The menu still includes favorites such as beef with onion, tomato and boiled egg, corn and cheese, and roasted vegetables, but it also features some rather unexpected choices for empanada fillings: chicken tikka masala, mac ham ‘n cheese or pepperoni pizza. All empanadas go for $2.35 apiece.

Some minor changes: The Mmoon no longer sells beer and alcohol and has recently added made-to-order, personal pizzas to its offerings. These mini pizzas are $5 each.

The Mmoon was launched by brothers Michael and Alex “Marco” Mendez, who immigrated from Buenos Aires in 1978. Empanadas are served with a churri sauce, a garlicky tomato-based condiment. The basis of The Mmoon’s churri sauce is a recipe that has been passed down through four generations.