A man and his 3-year-old granddaughter are recovering after a 9-year-old boy found both of them floating in a residential pool this afternoon, a fire spokeswoman said.

Several people called 911 around 1 p.m. to report that two people were unconscious at an apartment complex located at 355 South Kiely Blvd., fire spokeswoman Capt. Mary Gutierrez said.

Firefighters arrived within four minutes and found both the man and child lying by the side of the pool. They were breathing but were unconscious and unresponsive, she said.

A 9-year-old boy was among 10 to 12 people who had been hanging out in the area, and he noticed two bodies floating in the pool’s deep end. He dove in and pushed the little girl to the side of the pool while other residents helped pull her out. Meanwhile, a woman dove in and pushed the man to the side of the pool and had others help pull him out, Gutierrez said.

Bystanders administered compressions on both the man and the little girl until firefighters arrived.

They were transported to a hospital, where the man was still not responsive as of 3:30 p.m. The girl is recovering and was awake as of 2:30 p.m.

On Thursday, a man in his 40s nearly drowned with his 6-year-old daughter at a housing complex pool in the area of Bollinger Road and Miller Avenue, but a family friend pulled them out just in time and saved their lives.

Gutierrez said both events should serve as a lesson for residents to practice pool safety.

“If you or your child can’t swim, consider (wearing) floating devices and staying in the shallow end,” she advised.