Live Feed is going on the road for the next few months. For the past few weeks, I have been frantically getting ready to take my family on a cross-country road trip in a 1965 Airstream trailer to research and promote a series I’m making for public television called Food Forward.
I have written about it here before, but in case you forgot, it’s a show about the people changing the way we eat. The show starts with the premise that the way we eat is killing us and killing the planet—themes I’ve explored on these pages before. Food Forward evolved from what has become a passion of mine I discovered at Metro: how what we eat affects the world around us.
The road trip began as a wild idea that grew into reality over several months. As I write this, I’m in the newly renovated trailer for my first night. It’s very cozy at 26 feet. My son, 6, and daughter, 3, are sleeping soundly a few feet away. More than once I’ve questioned how sane the idea is. My wife and kids say they’re thrilled about the trip. I confess that at this early stage I find it daunting. Am I really doing this? But it’s too late now. I’ve got subletters living in my house. I’m committed. Or maybe I should be committed, as in, I’m crazy. Maybe they’re one and the same.
In addition to the research, interviews, blogs and video content, I’ll be writing about my experiences for Live Feed. I can’t wait. I’ve written about the environmental consequences of what we eat many times before but it’s been as an office-bound observer from afar. Now I can go out into the farms, ranches, restaurants and fishing boats and see for myself what’s wrong and what’s right with the way we eat.
It’s going to take a while to get my sea legs in my land yacht (that’s what Airstream calls its trailers) so we’re going to start off slowly and work out the kinks in California before pointing east and making a counter-clockwise tour of the country.
Look for a new dispatch from the road each week and check for on-the-spot updates on Twitter at SVDining. Keep on truckin’!