An international group of innovators flocked to Sunnyvale on Thursday to pitch their ideas to Silicon Valley investors. They represented 34 different businesses from 15 countries as disparate as Luxembourg and Egypt, but they all shared a belief in their high tech achievements’ marketability both at home and in the international market (which is a good thing, especially if you come from Luxembourg, which has a population about half the size of San Jose).
The event, known as the International Expo took place at Sunnyvale’s Plug and Play Tech Center. It was an opportunity for the startups to meet with some of the leading VCs in Silicon Valley, including representatives of the Keiretsu Forum, the world’s largest angel investor network.
Given recent events in the Middle East, one of the most intriguing groups to participate in the Expo was the group of Egyptian innovators. That country is in the process of developing its Techwadi (wadi is Arabic for dry river bed) just outside of Cairo. Amr Shady, one of the Egyptian CEOs who was at the Expo, described how the democracy movement back home breathed new life into Egyptian startups, which faced restrictions and government interference under the Mubarak regime.