Critics of Apple have long complained about the company’s insistence on proprietary software for all of its products. A class action suit underway now argues that by only allowing music purchased at Apple’s iTunes store to play on iPods, Apple has created a monopoly.
The case is now in court, and a judge has ordered Apple CEO Steve Jobs to testify. His two-hour testimony will focus on changes that Apple made to its iPod technology when it was discovered that music files released by RealNetworks could also be played on the iPod. When Apple discovered this, RealNetworks claims, Apple reconfigured its software.
Jobs has been on medical leave since January, though he did make a brief public appearance for the release of the iPad2.
Apple is also coming under fire from Amazon, which launched its new “Appstore” on Tuesday. The new store has initiated a policy whereby it releases a free app every day, starting with the popular Angry Birds game for Google’s Android cell phone. The same game sells for $2.99 at the Apple store. But Apple is firing back, suing Amazon over the right to use the name App store. After all, App is just an L and an E away from Apple.