Richard von Busack talks about his best bets for today, including ‘Push: Madison vs Madison’ by Rudy Hypolite, ‘Living in Seduced Circumstances’ by Ian Gamazon and ‘Sodankyla Forever’ by Peter von Bagh.
Check back daily on during Cinequest for the Smith Brothers interviews with filmmakers, directors and writers, and Richard von Busack’s Best Bets. And check out this Cinequest Guide, with capsule reviews of many of the films being shown at Cinequest.
Here’s the highlights today Thursday March 10 at Cinequest. Those who can’t do, teach, those who teach and know it won’t do any good, teach history. I doubt if Dennis Wilson would accept that joke, though, because he’s the history teacher at Madison Park Tech High on Malcolm X Boulevard in Boston’s Roxbury neighborhood. But when not teaching history, Wilson is urging the young men in his school forth to win the state basketball championships. The film is titled Push: Madison Vs. Madison, and today at 1:15 at the Camera 12 is a chance to see this documentary.
At 5pm: Living In Seduced Circumstances is the follow up to director Ian Gamazon Cavitah, it is what fanciers may some day call P-horror: an old man of the Phillipines, played by Long Nguyen of Oliver Stone’s Heaven and Earth is tortured by a mysterious and angry woman.
There’s myriad film festivals around, but the northernmost in the world is Finland’s Midnight Sun Film Festival, where fans take advantage of a bounty of daylight to meet some of the greatest figures in the film industry: Sodan-kyla Forever, plays tonight in 7pm at the Camera 12, a story of cinema history at its most intense…and most remote.