(Spain; 105 min.) After an initial shock, this powerful Spanish film unfolds gently and organically, but it’s full of surprises. 80 Days follows 80 days in the life of Axun (Itziar Aizpuru), a 70-year-old matronly type who angers her family by insisting on visiting the hospital to watch over her estranged son-in-law, who’s in a coma. There she is reunited with a childhood friend (Mariasun Pagoaga), and it starts to become clear that Axun is not nearly as traditional as everyone—including herself—wants to believe. With subtitles counting out the days, and no clue as to what will happen by the title’s appointed date, writer/directors Jon Gara–o and Jos Maria Goenaga’s film would seem to be about overcoming (or not overcoming) tragedy, but it’s actually about overcoming much more: expectations, judgments, family dysfunction and repressed feelings, to name a few. (SP)
Wed., March 2 at 4:15pm, Camera 12; Fri., March 4 at 4:30pm, San Jose Rep; Mon., March 7 at 4:30pm, San Jose Rep