(U.S.; 105 min.) Big fans of Jenna ( The Office ) Fischer may love her portrayal of Laura, a disaffected dental hygienist with an overbearing family—others may have to strain to glean some pleasure from this dark comedy. Her 11-year-old son is distant, her husband even further afield. Her sister (Brooke Smith) and mother (Lesley Ann Warren) help her in the most heavy-handed way. The actors all hit their marks, but the script is much less amusing than the usual episode of The Office . Perhaps Laura’s malaise is synechdoche for the post-9/11 setting, but the tone oscillates from ennui to weltschmerz . The humor isn’t dark enough. (DH)
March 3 at 9:15pm, Camera 12; Sat., March 5 at 9:15pm, California Theatre; Wed. March 9 at noon, Camera 12