Suddenly Joan and the Rivers--still an amazing band name--evokes a little sadness now with the passing of the late, great Joan Rivers. But that's ok, the band continues on, and their latest tune, "Bum City,: has more poppy catchiness to it than any of their prior doom-metal-garage-punk tunes of the past. It's an off-kilter, shufflin' blues-rock tune that's got the same odd goofy quality to it as their other songs, just not in an overtly outer-spacey, psychedelic package. To get an idea of these guys' weird sense of humor, simply read the titles of their EPs: Pizza Foam, Chupacabra, Nilbog--that last one is a reference to Troll 2, which is hands down the best movie ever made. Locals Rex Goliath and Monterey's El Camino Sutra also play. (Aaron Carnes)