Dolce Spazio Dessert Cafe

221 N Santa Cruz Ave, Los Gatos , CA
(408) 395-1335
Markets & Specialty Food, Ice Cream
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2009 BEST OF SILICON VALLEY Reader Survey Winner - First Place

Best Ice Cream/Gelato

Unlike some purveyors of cold dairy desserts, this beloved gelateria in the middle of downtown Los Gatos doesn't overwhelm patrons with endless choices. There are usually about a dozen flavors, all time-tested and consistently high-quality, served in single, double or triple scoops. Some slices of cake to choose from. Espresso if you want it. That's it. And for this simple, confident exercise in gustatory delight, people line up out the door on a regular basis.

2007 BEST OF SILICON VALLEY Reader Survey Winner - Second Place

Best Ice Cream

— Metro, Silicon Valley's Weekly Newspaper, September 26, 2007
