Twelve years ago, Dr. Nancy Cappello was diagnosed with breast cancer—but not before she was misdiagnosed.

Six weeks after she had received a normal mammogram report, Dr. Cappello learned that her screening did not include information about dense breast tissue. She survived but was forced to endure a mastectomy, reconstruction, eight chemotherapy treatments and 24 radiation treatments.

This experience launched her quest to expose the secret truth about dense breast tissue and ensure women receive screening and diagnostic measures to find cancer at its earliest stage.

On Wednesday, Dr. Cappello will visit the Bay Area for the only time this year to speak at the San Jose Woman’s Club about breakthroughs in cancer technology and education. The event will take place from 7-9pm.

Dr. Cappello’s research led to legislation for the nation’s first density reporting law in 2009. She is now leading the density reporting movement that has spread across the nation, with 25 states enacting new reporting laws.

Although women are most commonly diagnosed with breast cancer, the event welcomes anyone to attend because so many people have been touched by the disease. Discussion will focus on ways to educate one’s self about improvements in treatments and screening.

The event not only provides an opportunity for survivors to connect and share their inspiring stories, but also for doctors to participate in the discussion about breast cancer. Refreshments will be offered alongside hor d’oeuvres, wine and desserts, and a portion of the proceeds will help provide screening for women without insurance.

Tickets are available for purchase here.